Meet Dr. Dorothy

My personal story………I love New Hampshire!

I grew up around the world because of my father’s career in the military. I chose New Hampshire as my home state in 1994, after completing my medical education in Boston. I proudly worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs for 22 years. During my VA career, I had the privilege of becoming the youngest service Chief in the nation. This launched me into continuous leadership roles and exposed me to mentors of the highest caliber. My award-winning career happened because I was able to stand on the shoulders of some amazing men and women. After retiring, I opened a private practice and medical device innovation lab in New London where I continue to see patients and work as an executive in the medical device industry. I am the mother of three boys, two grandchildren, and two poodles! My husband is an aerospace engineer who served in the Air Force for 21 years. I am thankful for his support given my continuous engagement in public policy, advocacy, and non-profit board service.

My Experience…………

I have authored hundreds of publications and have expertise in federal agency and executive hospital management, healthcare policy and data analysis, start-up business and non-profit development. I have been advocating for patients and the public in Washington D.C. for three decades. It's time I use my years of experience to enhance and protect our way of life in the Granite State. I will help realize a better future through public policy innovation and compromise. I hope to turn the voice of the silent majority into a future we can all be proud of.